Library Privilege Opening System is used for making application of opening the library privilege for all Tsinghua University students and faculty on campus. Post-doctors of the university shall bring their IC Card to the Library Card Center at the Main Library North Section to open library privilege, whereas post-doctors graduating from other universities shall submit a copy of their doctoral dissertation together with their IC Card when making an application. Readers of non-above-mentioned types are all required to go to the Library Card Center at the Main Library North Section to open your library privilege.Library Card Center Tel.: 62783067

① Identification:The system adopts INFO system for identification. Please enter your ID Card number and password in the blanks. For freshmen, activating identity on the Electric ID Service System of Tsinghua University ( are required before the first login.
② Reading the Regulations: The system will move to the Circulation Regulations page automatically after your identification. Please read the regulations carefully for the details.
③ Accepting the Regulations: Make sure you have fully understood the regulations and committed to comply with the terms by clicking the AGREE button and then submitting your application.
④ Fill in the Information: After logging in the system, please fill in your phone number, email address, and subscribe the WeChat public account of Tsinghua University so as to receive circulation notices sent by the library smoothly.
⑤ Opening Library Privilege: The library privilege of eligible readers will be opened automatically after submitting applications. Then readers may borrow books from the library right away.