1. Training series: “Information, Resources and Research”
The library holds a series of training sessions called “Information, Resources and Research” routinely every semester.Each series last for 2-3 months. Training topics include an overview of library resources and services, information literacy,commonly-used software and advanced tools, and guidance on research methods and academic writing. Training schedules are usually published in advance on the library homepage, Tsinghua University information portal, and library’s WeChat Official Account, and posters and leaflets. Please pay attention to the latest announcement.
The latest schedule
( Note: the courseware can be downloaded on campus only)
2. Online Sessions
University patrons can watch live or view recordings of library training sessions via the Lotus Pond Rain Classroom. Please join the class and keep following us for new sessions.
3. Customized workshops
Customized workshops designed for relevant majors, topics and special needs are also available upon request. Faculties and students are welcome to contact your subject librarian to make a request or just send email to help@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn.
Welcome to join us to improve your information literacy!
If you have any questions or suggestions about library instructions, please send an email to help@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn.