The Tsinghua University Library has received countless donations in the 100 years after its founding. No donation comes without the beautiful wishes of the donors for the Tsinghua University Library. Among the donors there are state leaders, renowned experts and scholars, prestigious businessmen, entrepreneurs, and friendly personages in the mainland of China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and other countries, and also teachers and students and alumni and alumnae of Tsinghua University, and many other people who cherish profound love for the Library as well.
During each anniversary celebration of Tsinghua University in 2005, 2008 and 2011, the Library held a “Theme Exhibition of Donations to Tsinghua University Library” introducing those who have bestowed generous donations on the Tsinghua University Library and their deeds in the past one hundred years, publicizing the spirit of donors to devote themselves to cultural causes and benefit future generations.
In recent years, the Library has attached great importance to the donation; it warmly and sincerely welcomes the munificent donations from teachers and students, alumni, social groups and all people, including endowment and donations of all types of literature materials. A donation Website named “Library’s Donation Garden” has been launched by the Library for the purpose of celebrating Tsinghua University’s centennial anniversary. Through the system you can have accesses to:
Online show section: introduction to donation activities and shows. It displays valuable donated items in three sub-sections named “donation news”,“theme show room” and “fine show room”.
Donation search section: donation search function can be realized through donation management system. The status of donated items can be retrieved by donators from the system.
Make a donation section: introducing the method of donation and related policies of the Library. Donation contact navigation module by using interactive guide, aiming at different donation routes, is created to guide donators to right contact person through right way.
Donators list section: announces to the public the latest donations from different people, updated information about donations can be found by searchers through “donation acknowledgements”, “grand donators list”, “the latest donators list”, “the calendar of the donations” and “the calendar of graduates donation” subsections.
Graduates donation section: it is served as a window for graduates to donate and exchange books.
The Tsinghua University Library (THUL) has a mission to be a world-class innovative modern academic Library in the near future. But we are facing many challenges and difficulties especially the limited budget. We need more books, journals,manuscripts and other collection materials to meet the increasing information requirement from research and teaching work, we are striving to enhance the facilities to improve the study environment of the Library. We need all kinds of help and support from our readers, alumni and society to realize our great goal that is of benefit to science and education development of China. Tsinghua University Library will remember and thank those who make contribution whether more or less to THUL forever.
For more information on giving to the Tsinghua University Library, please visit the Website of “Library’s Donation Garden” or contact directely: Library Special Collection Department
Phone: (8610)62795779
Fax: (8610) 62781758
On April 25, the "Tsinghua University Special Collection of famous manuscripts exhibition and ceremony(2010)" was held at Tsinghua University Library.
Prof. Robert S. Cohen and Prof. Deng Jingkang on the open day of the “Cohen’s Library” which is the first Library named by it’s donator in Tsinghua University. Prof. Deng Jingkang is the header of the Tsinghua University Library. Prof. Robert S. Cohen is the donator of the “Cohen’s Library”.
Mr. Gao Yingshi, who contributed a book fund, visited the Library
The book fund established with the donation from alumni Ms. Zhou Yan and Mr. Zhou Yunfan