The winterholidaywill startfrom January9 and end onFebruary19. The openinghoursareas follows:
Date |
Opening hours |
Main LibraryWest Section (YifuLibrary), North Section (MochtarRiady Library) |
Old Library |
January9 toJanuary20 |
9:00-17:00 |
In maintenance -Closed |
January21 to January27 |
Spring FestivalHoliday-Closed |
January28 toFebruary 19 |
9:00-17:00 |
Please notethatduring the winter holiday we expect a smaller amount of visitors, to save energy, only seats on designated floors will be open to readers:1stto 3rdfloorsofMain LibraryNorth Sectionand the2ndfloorof theWest Section.Seats on other floors will be closed for reservation or use. There will be no lighting for the closed seats. However, bookshelves on all floors are open to readers and lighting for the bookshelves will be on. (This policy comes into effect on Jan 9 and ends on Feb 12.)
Please choose a seat onthe openingfloors.Thank you for your cooperation.
On February 20, Main LibraryWest Section and North Section will resume normal opening hours(8:00 - 22:00).
Tsinghua University Library