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New Version of E-Resource Navigation System Ready for Trial Operation

Dear readers,

      In recent years, the library has constantly promoted the construction of electronic collections and provided high-quality electronic resources services for our students and faculty to support the needs of learning, teaching and research. In order to make better use of electronic resources available in the library, we started to develop a new version of e-resource navigation system at the beginning of 2021. Presently, the new systemhas been basically completed and will be openedfor trial operation on March 16, 2022, for a period of 2 months.

      We welcome all readers to actively try out the new navigation system.If you have anyquestions or suggestions, you may give feedbackvia the "Feedback" module on the homepage of e-resource navigationsystem. We appreciate your feedback.

Click the link below to try out the new system:

1.Database navigation:

2. E-journal navigation:

Tsinghua University Library

March 16, 2022

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