安乐哲(Roger T. Ames),1947年出生于加拿大多伦多,伦敦大学亚非学院博士(1978)。现任北京大学人文讲座特聘教授,曾任夏威夷大学哲学系教授(1978-2016)、夏威夷大学和美国东西方亚洲发展项目中心主任(1990-2013),《东西方哲学》(Philosophy East and West)主编(1987-2016),《国际中国书评》(China Review International)主编(1992-2016)。他的主要研究领域是中西比较哲学和美国实用主义哲学。主要著作有:《孔子哲学思微》(1987),《汉哲学思维的文化探源》(1995),《期望中国:探求中国和西方的文化叙述》(1998),《主术:中国古代政治思想研究》(1983),《先哲的民主:杜威、孔子和中国民主之希望》(1999),《角色伦理学:一套词汇》(2011),《孔子文化奖学术精粹丛书:安乐哲卷》(2015)。中国经典翻译有《论语》《孝经》《孙子兵法》《孙膑兵法》《淮南子》《道德经》《中庸》等。安乐哲先生是当代著名的汉学家和哲学家,是中西比较哲学研究领域的领军人物,荣获世界儒学大会颁发的2013年度“孔子文化奖”,第二届“会林文华奖”(2016年)。
When Christian missionaries—first Jesuit Matteo Ricci, Protestant James Legge and then down to the present day—are introducing Chinese culture into the Western academy, they have been motivated to close the distance between these traditions by interpreting the Chinese world through a heavily Christianized language. Indeed, over the last four centuries of cultural encounter, the vocabulary established for the translation of classical Chinese texts into Western languages has been freighted by a patently Christian framework, and the effects of this “Christianization” of Chinese texts are still very much with us.
Li 禮as an achieved propriety in roles and relations is perhaps the most important term in giving voice to the Confucian human-centered religiousness. And it is within this context that the ancestral/numinous/cultural/natural notion of tian 天has a role.
The familiar mantra invoked to describe Confucian religiousness, tianren heyi 天人合一, describes the inseparability of the relationship between the numinous and the human experience, the inseparability of the relationship between the cultural and natural context and human thinking and living.
Like the heavens and the earth (tiandi 天地), the numinous and the human (tianren 天人) too are one and two at the same time. We are thus concerned about the “depth of coalescence” (du 度) that can be cultivated and achieved in their first order relationality. It is thus that such correlative expressions are not simply descriptive, but are also prescriptive. The relationship is fecund and generative, with tian and ren working together collaboratively to build the connector for their own time and place, and to extend the cosmic order (hongdao 弘道, dadao 达道) in doing so. And tian and ren in their relationship are to be understood as doing and undergoing, shaping and being shaped, in this dyadic yet resolutely constitutive relationship.
It is clear that human beings in this relationship derive much benefit from the ancestral/numinous/cultural/natural resources denoted by tian. Tian certainly provides human beings with a context for flourishing, and serves us as a model to emulate and revere. But since the relationship between tian and human beings is irreducibly collateral, we have to ask: What through personal cultivation can be made of this tianren relationship? And what does tian get in this relationship from human beings? My argument will be that in these classical Confucian canons, human sagacity not only introduces epochal transformations in the human experience, but also has a transformative effect on the moral content of tian and the cosmos broadly. Said another way, it is my claim that the relatively vague notion of tian as it is expressed in these texts is amplified and made explicit through the specific lives of our human sages. I want to suggest that not only can “human beings broaden the way,” (ren neng hongdao 人能弘道), but “sagacious human beings can broaden tian” (shengren neng jitianliji 聖人能繼天立極).