演讲嘉宾:Seth Cayley(圣智集团盖尔公司数字典藏开发副总裁)
时 间:2019年8月19日(周一)15:00
地 点:清华大学人文社科图书馆G层格物会议室

Seth Cayley (塞斯·凯利)简介:
Seth Cayley hols an MA (Oxon) in Modern History from the University of Oxford. First-class honours.is the Vice President for Gale Primary Sources at Gale, a Cengage Company. He and his team are responsible for commissioning and creating Gale's award-winning digital archive products, which include 19th Century British Library Newspapers, Eighteenth Century Collections Online, and China and the Modern World.
塞斯·凯利拥有牛津大学一等荣誉学位及现代历史硕士学位,现任圣智集团盖尔公司数字典藏开发副总裁。他和他的团队负责采购并开发各类数字典藏产品,主要包括“大英图书馆19世纪报纸典藏”、“十八世纪作品在线”和“中国与现代世界”等。 这些产品许多都荣膺过业界大奖。
Seth and his team work with many of the world's leading libraries to conserve and digitise their special collections, and make them more widely available to researchers and students worldwide. Partner libraries include The British Library, Harvard Libraries, the Second Historical Archives of China in Nanjing and the University of Oxford's Bodleian Library.
In total, the Gale digital archive programme contains more than 200 million pages of scanned rare materials, covering over 800 years of global history. These products are available in more than 5,000 libraries worldwide.
Seth has written a number of articles about digital resources - and their impact on research and teaching - for both academic journals and the mainstream press, and regularly presents at conferences worldwide.
S. Cayley "Digitization for the Masses: Taking Users Beyond Simple Searching in Nineteenth Century Collections Online", Journal of Victorian Culture Vol 22 Issue 2 (2017) DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13555502.2017.1301180
S. Cayley and C. Horrocks, "The Punch Historical Archive, 1841-1992: A Sustainable Brand for the Digital Age", Victorian Periodicals Review, Vol 48 Number 2 (2015)https://muse.jhu.edu/article/585971
(List of industry awards won (incomplete)):
· Digital Humanities Awards 2018: 1st runner up for Best Digital Humanities Tool/Suite of Tools:http://dhawards.org/dhawards2018/results/ 2018年数字人文奖:最佳数字人文工具套件亚军
· 2017 PROSE award for Best eProduct in Humanities: Archives of Sexuality & Gender:https://news.cengage.com/library-research/gales-archives-of-sexuality-and-gender-wins-2017-prose-award-for-best-humanities-eproduct/ 《性与性别档案》荣获2017年最佳人文电子产品奖
· Library Journal Best Databases of 2016: Crime, Punishment and Popular Culture:https://www.libraryjournal.com/?detailStory=best-databases-of-2016 《犯罪、惩罚与大众文化》荣膺2016年《图书馆学报》最佳数据库奖
Gale Scholar数据库简介:
Gale Scholar提供1亿7000万页、跨越500年历史的珍稀原始典藏文献,包括30余个原始典藏数据库,涵盖多个学科主题,包括历史、社会、国际关系、文学、地理、政治、法律、经济等领域。通过这些海量的原始文献及可视化研究工具,将助力相关学科的深度研究及新成果的产出。
1. U.S. Declassified Documents Online 美国解密档案在线
2. Archives Unbound 珍稀原始典藏档案
3. Chatham House Online Archive 查塔姆研究所在线典藏
4. Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO) 十八世纪作品在线
5. Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) 十九世纪作品在线
6. The Making of Modern Law 现代法律形成
7. The Making of Modern World 现代世界形成
8. China from Empire to Republic: Missionary, Sinology and Literary Periodicals, 1817-1949 中国从帝制到共和: 传教士,汉学与文化期刊1817-1949
9. Smithsonian Collections Online 史密森学会在线典藏
10. Associated Press Collections Online 美国联合通讯社在线典藏
11.Sabin Americana,1500-1926 萨宾史料,1500年–1926年
12.Indigenous Peoples: North America 原住民:北美洲
13.Slavery and Anti-Slavery: A Transnational Archive 奴隶制与反奴隶制:跨国档案
14.State Papers Online, 1509-1782 英国政府档案在线,1509–1782
15.Early Arabic Printed Books from the British Library 大英图书馆早期阿拉伯语印刷书籍
16.Archives of Human Sexuality and Identity: Part 1: LGBTQ History and Culture Since 1940 人类性取向研究档案,第一部分:同性恋历史与文化
17.Crime, Punishment, and Popular Culture, 1790-1920 犯罪、惩罚和流行文化,1790-1920
18.American Fiction 1774-1920 美国小说,1774-1920
19.Gale World Scholar: Latin America and the Caribbean 盖尔世界学者:拉丁美洲和加勒比地区
20.National Geographyic Virtual Library 美国《国家地理》杂志在线典藏
21.Brazilian and Portuguese History and Culture: The Oliveira Lima Library 巴西和葡萄牙的历史与文化:奥利维拉•利马图书馆
22.British Literary Manuscripts Online 英国文学手稿在线
23.Sources in U.S.History Online 美国历史在线
24.British Library Newspapers, Part1-5 大英图书馆报纸
25.17th & 18th Century Burney Collection Newspapers 17世纪和18世纪伯尼报纸典藏
26.19th Century UK Periodicals 19世纪英国期刊
27.19th Century U.S.Newspapers 19世纪美国报纸
28.The Times Digital Archive, 1785-2010《泰晤士报》数字典藏,1785-2010
29.The Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive,1902-2010 《泰晤士报文学增刊》数字典藏,1902年–2011年
30.Punch Historical Archive,1841-1992 《笨拙》杂志数字典藏,1841–1992
31. Illustrated London News Historical Archive, 1842-2003 《伦敦新闻画报》数字典藏,1842–2003
32. Liberty Magazine Historical Archive,1924-1950 《自由》杂志数字典藏,1924–1950
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